Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What is,,, Is it???

what are human tendencies?
why are they so obscure?
why, the memory that
gives me a smile,
brings me pain, for sure?
what IS the human tendency?
is it to go with the flow?
is it to be a witness?
is it to pause in between
and work things out slow?

who are we, by the way?
mortals in an immaterial body!?
when are we really like
the way we've always wanted
to behave, and not be a noddy??
who are we?
can we ever be "just like i am"??
when is the moment
when we do not wear masks?
who is this "I"? is it really "am"?

who is a "friend", my friend?
is he the one who would
talk things out with you, for you?
or is he the one who would
not nag and sit silent when you would?
who is a "friend"?
the one who matches
your wavelength, and say
the exact things on your mind?
does in that confirmation friendship hatches?

what is the essence of our being?
is it to make a better world?
is it to conform to the norms
and spark a change?
or is it to rebel and live curled?
what IS the essence of our being?
if not mind every step we take?
but for who? for those around us?
is our essence total negation of ourselves?
or does it lie in the selflessness we fake?

what is Love, actually?
is it the commitment we give?
is it the acceptance of the fact
that we all are hollow deep inside
and we need "someone" in order to live?
what is Love? any answers?
is it the one we feel for the family?
or is it the one for "the one"?
if they are two different things
then all this notion is itself silly!

what is this mind made up of?
is it of our thoughts and notions?
but are they ever OUR thoughts,
if not the results of our social conditioning?
if they are Ours, then why is mind full of commotions?
what is this mind, eh?
an attic for various short films of our lives?
anytime we can pick any tape
watch it, reminisce, while the video recording
goes on and later becomes a hype.

why are there these thoughts?
what is the point of them,
if not for passing time?
are they conscience?
why shall we be concerned for them?
why are there these thoughts?
what provokes them time to time?
is it because we have inherent compassion?
or do they come to say all of us are the "chosen one"?
well, all i know is, my thoughts come for such rhymes.

where are the answers?
can there be satisfactory answers ever?
why do the words come more
as questions and less as answers?
why do questions create history forever?
are there any answers?
or just an embarrassing void?
does everybody asks questions?
then who provides the answers?
shall i shut up and, as usual, avoid?


Shadow said...

U time n again prove dat u r a total package of versatality. U jus leave no clue on the readers' mind of wat u wud come up nxt. This blog in particular is gonna b a absolute master piece. Thath,,,current chala gaya...ups back-up nahin hai...will post one more comment on d same blog later....long live Mahi !

MAHI said...

now how can i say a mere word like "thanks"!?!?