Tuesday, March 31, 2009


like a drop of many pins.

creep of the sublime geckos...

too loud the beats of heart.

shrieking like my mind's echoes.


too loud to ignore.


like a fat man's snore.


like a bliss gone gory.


narrating a horrible story.

too thumping to subdue.

in my crimson bleeding.

in my ear- drums.

waking up all that was sleeping.


the latest radio.


native of an uprooted ghetto.


the voices that beckon.


not too silent, I reckon.


why I thought

you'd understand my feelings?

you seemed to be like

my gum-boots in marble-cleaning!

the steeple covered with moss

is no more the good sight.

what's better to look at, perhaps,

is how I lost the fight!

you said, "you're mine"

and, by God, I was ready to be.

but then, someone else's entry.

and the curtain fell on me!!

silence became the only talk we had.

words became immaterial tangents.

gloom was just about to engulf me.

but I quickly wiped the remenants.

the fact is, I'm off!!

the birds are chirping somewhere

like a soothing assurity,

its about to dawn over here!

you end with the first gleam.

I hope to regain my sheen.

somewhere you can still think-

I'd be like how I'd been...

maybe I'm still the one you knew.

but not anymore into you!

the sun comes up... a new day!!

I never thought I'd ever mean--


Monday, March 30, 2009

The last precipice

the welcomed darkness

like a balm on the bruises.

lights shining distant

like the past left behind.

beneath the feat

the beautiful coldness

of the rocks weathered

by the winds of time.

a soft breeze

blowing the soft fabric

of my dress.

the closed eyes

visioning the days gone by.

the mind put to ease

after a long turmoil

of unresolved dilemmas,

reminisces some moments.

life IS beautiful...

only if you don't have to

Love it!

the tired eye-lids,

adamant not to open.

the ocean floor

some feet underneath.

splash! splash!!

the tired waters

wiping off the day's remenants.

I know the sad face

somewhere up in the sky,

gloomy light of which

the companion of so many nights

spent lying awake

in the rugs of despair.

I know of these sounds,

the music of the

creatures of night.

somewhere even my voice

is resonating amidst

a certain brutalities.

splash! splash!!

I wonder if the saline water

would purge me too?!

another chapter comes to an end

behind the veil of my eyelids.

I rise to my toes

arms stretched wide open.

does the vast expanse

reads my poker face?

the fall...

the rush of wind.

the time stops ticking by.

did I think?

the cold water so soothing.

the ceasing air in my lungs.

I gasp!

pushed back to the surface,

I let myself drown again.

the waters clear.

the night sky above me.

I float immobile.

the shore is somewhere

in some other mode of time.

here is just me

on a virtual bed

in my own time...

I Smile!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

the RAPE

in a nowhere land,

a dingy room,

with stinking bed-covers.

she lay sprawled

like a mattress

upon which anyone can trample.

before her stand

those brutal assassins.

a video-cam catches her eye.

she closes her eyes

to pray to her God.

to ask Him to stop this.

but nothing helps.

with utter animosity,

they rip her naked.

they all stand and laugh

like ogres, eyeing their helpless feast.

one by one they take chances

to murder her chastity.

the devastation isn't just physical.

she's sedated by her pain.

they don't even stop to consider.

what more? they record it all.

they upload it.

the mediums uncountable.

a case starts in the courts.

"where did they do?"

"how long did it last for?"

those are questions she cannot answer.

suddenly the whole world knows

wherever she goes, she's confronted.

the look in everybody's eyes

is akin to that of her killers.

nobody comes to her rescue.

nobody wraps her innocence.

instead they all rip her wounds again.

they make her feel naked

in full public glare,

yet again.

everybody becomes a lecher

she cannot run away from.

the case is lost.

the accused go scott free.

she's victimised,

yet again!

she is abandoned.

nobody is there without some motive.

what is Rape?

the real ordeal?

or the stabs afterwards?

she shuts her eyes yet again

to pray for the last time.

to ask her God

to atleast grant her death.

the blade of the knife.

the warmth of her blood.

the inevitable darkness.

the eternal rest.

the freedom from the body

that bore the wounds.

the journey to the hereafter

where the vultures won't

scathe her soul ever again....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Into Every Life

I look into the air,

myself, falling rain.

dripping coldness of past.

memories- old pain!

drops fall.

pudding my damp water life

spiraling a mirror,

self- lonely strife.

a sigh,

one frown,

crying soft, saddened tears.

storms of remembrance

through bleak yesteryears.

clouds- a whorl, dark sky.

sheltering my heart.

but how can i enjoy

while taking no part?

covering cold soul,

the corona of defence.

defying the stabs of

my fate's intents.

this is madness.

I think in a plaintive cry.

I'm here on the cusp

of lay down and die.

what my destiny?

an empty-off dream!

a plaything with which

Gods and angels scheme.

am I doomed to love still?

time never free!!

subsumed wholly

beneath life's scattered debris!

in justice,

I feel a torrential doubt.

perhaps more than sorrow,

painful fall-out!

I can't rise from these insane streets-

lonely all the more!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Have You Ever?

have you ever felt

the cold lifeless hand of an infant

or gazed into their unblinking eyes

and observed the face of death

when marked in bittersweet innocense?

have you ever touched your dreams

and felt the simplistic joy

of feeling them become reality

only to abandon them

for reasons you can't explain?

have you ever watched your family

once who shared the greatest of loes

suffer an unforgettable and unforgiveable tragedy

that will slowly, painfully and inevitably

tear them all apart?

do you know, first hand,

the evil that resides deep within the heart

of every man, every woman and every child?

have you seen its face as it randomly seeks

a soul to torment and destroy?

do you know the darker side of life

the one that awakens you

in the still of night

crying to your unknown power

"Save me from Myself!!"?

does your heart constantly questions

whether humanity is obtainable

in a world corrupted with suffering

and where war

is the favoured solution for peace?

if you really wanna know me,

and understand the forces that compel me to move-on,

then take these questions

and take the entwined pain

for this is who I am!

Wide Awake!!

just an year ago,

widows were wierd

policemen were boys

terrorists were insane

and daredevils were fearless!

life was fun, and

friends were smiles

but, the past year

has been of some evolution

where I've woken upto some grave truths

where I've opened my eyes to the reality

and now here I lie in my desperation...


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Okkay Byee!~!

I wanna see
what you said
if it was right.
you said you love me
baby, then,
why this unending night?

because you see
I just can't let it be.
do you see?
or you see right through me?

darling, this end is apocalyptical
the wounds went deep.
I'm still so sceptical
so why now is it
the feelings seem like a creep?

can't be, not now
don't come back again
I would forget you somehow
you yourself were my pain!

go away...don't stop
don't turn back...go!
ok, so what if we flopped?
stringent lives aren't slow!!

things happen. they just do.
did it have to be with you?
oh, hell, but what to do?
Get lost! I don't want you!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

into your eyes...

I love you;
too bad you don't notice
in the most fortunate cases,
people have an idea
of how things should be.
everything they say and do
conforms to their love.
in the most unfortunate cases,
individuals see
nothing outside themselves,
and they live their lives
without noticing the laser beams
constantly pointed at each other,
both of their wall-penetrating,
distance- overcoming eyes,
implacable, parched and hungry,
yet not capable of reaching their cores,
though ready to risk everything,
to lose everything.

my eyes, that have sought but one thing,
ever since they looked into yours:
an answering look.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the Vampire's bid

the venomous fangs are useful no more
give me the concentrated doses abundant
flap those myriad wings and scratch me
this life is bore... bloody pungent.
death is the final destination
salvation was never what i dreamt
let my resurrection be devoured
this elixir repulses, no more does it tempt.
let me close my eyes, and have your way
kill my every breath, devoid me of them
over and over, trying to fit-in like all do
i'm still so burning with vengeance under my hem.
let my blood ooze out
drink it, if it still can be savored.
let the noises of night mute my screams
close the door if there seem signs of my Savior.
still breathing, still able to fight.
kill my immune!
kill my will to survive
sacrifice me to the full-moon
let no aid arrive for me, if it comes
i'm not fearful yet, guess i won't be.
so don't try to conquer what you can't.
just scathe and feast on what i offered of me.
is it too much to ask?
even from you? strange!
let me gasp, we all humans do in pleasure.
give me the dark i had so long arranged!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

the saddest evening

they call me the "big eyed girl with a disarming smile".
yet, inspite of them all, i sit here on this deserted while.
crying like a baby inside, but no tears show themselves
wasn't it better if we don't have to be true to ourselves!?
"beautiful" my verses seem to them, true that pain sells
but its me who's victimised by it, broke loose all hells!
this "ella" of somebody ain't the flambuoyant virago anymore.
she, the one i used to be, is lost behind the public poster, unsure!!
who would "love" this hopeless depresso, if love is still unceased
necessity of time devours the profound thoughts, scattered diseased!
overlooking my own vices, i curse the virtues others say i have.
i seem mature to them, just the one i love, calls me naive!!

"others"! my life seems to be stuck on them and just them
my parameters of everything, and even my own self starts from "them".
was my life ever the way i wanted it to be? all playacting!
and soon i was sure to grow tired... now i'm breathless, panting!
lies... not of anybody, but of my own to myself!!
they all are there... yet i wouldn't call for help!!
i think i have an incurable sickness i can't get rid of.
just when i wanted to smile... there are happenings making me scoff!
so vengeful i have become, and they call it "attitude"!
they think its all in good humor whenever i'm seriously rude!

what's the point in being laid to the catalogues of disgust?!
i run away from the very remedies which are a must!!
a runaway from the very remedies which are a must!!
a runaway from my own insights of pluralism and fake...
was i ever real? roles came my way... in numbers i couldn't take!
too much of it already unsaid, stuffed up in the attics of my mind
so far have i crawled and come along, i can't see the things i left behind!

but this isn't the saddest evening for all these causes...
its the saddest because i sit here to contemplate all clauses...
i don't wanna be the one i am already, the grass is always greener on the other side!
but what do i wanna be? even that's something i cannot decide.
there was no dearth of anything ever... and won't be till i'm over
i have ample time in the world to pursue what i want and even be a lover!!
i guess that's the basic flaw, the serious flaw of my life
i can be happy as i have it all... yet i seduce my strife!!

yes, its indeed sad... the saddest it could ever be!
i know a thousand masks, but not the real face of me...
every put-up, ready made cut-out for every occasion i have.
i know just what to say and how not to behave!
they... again "they"... know i'm game for it all, they do revere
i slip into narcissism because that's my only defence and my cover!!
maybe, yes, i AM a nerd because i think i can never match my image...
so, its better for my own immune to put up a show and be game!!

there's an emptiness i cannot subside and no-one bores deep in me
nobody bothers themselves... so even i keep it aside, let it be!!
why do we humans always keep needing somebody for always?
why do we love, see our hearts broken and live in disgrace!?
sometimes its all rosy for us... the next moment we're screwed up.
our achievements, our successes...why is this all important stuff?
who am i? i ain't bothered by your questions right now...
because tonight, this saddest evening, is asking me to find answers anyhow.
i can't find even one answer to the questions i ask in vain...
i cannot, somehow,leave behind these masks, causes of my pain...
no answers await me, no words come to the memories of my beginnigs.
no rescue, no solace can i find in this saddest evening...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What is,,, Is it???

what are human tendencies?
why are they so obscure?
why, the memory that
gives me a smile,
brings me pain, for sure?
what IS the human tendency?
is it to go with the flow?
is it to be a witness?
is it to pause in between
and work things out slow?

who are we, by the way?
mortals in an immaterial body!?
when are we really like
the way we've always wanted
to behave, and not be a noddy??
who are we?
can we ever be "just like i am"??
when is the moment
when we do not wear masks?
who is this "I"? is it really "am"?

who is a "friend", my friend?
is he the one who would
talk things out with you, for you?
or is he the one who would
not nag and sit silent when you would?
who is a "friend"?
the one who matches
your wavelength, and say
the exact things on your mind?
does in that confirmation friendship hatches?

what is the essence of our being?
is it to make a better world?
is it to conform to the norms
and spark a change?
or is it to rebel and live curled?
what IS the essence of our being?
if not mind every step we take?
but for who? for those around us?
is our essence total negation of ourselves?
or does it lie in the selflessness we fake?

what is Love, actually?
is it the commitment we give?
is it the acceptance of the fact
that we all are hollow deep inside
and we need "someone" in order to live?
what is Love? any answers?
is it the one we feel for the family?
or is it the one for "the one"?
if they are two different things
then all this notion is itself silly!

what is this mind made up of?
is it of our thoughts and notions?
but are they ever OUR thoughts,
if not the results of our social conditioning?
if they are Ours, then why is mind full of commotions?
what is this mind, eh?
an attic for various short films of our lives?
anytime we can pick any tape
watch it, reminisce, while the video recording
goes on and later becomes a hype.

why are there these thoughts?
what is the point of them,
if not for passing time?
are they conscience?
why shall we be concerned for them?
why are there these thoughts?
what provokes them time to time?
is it because we have inherent compassion?
or do they come to say all of us are the "chosen one"?
well, all i know is, my thoughts come for such rhymes.

where are the answers?
can there be satisfactory answers ever?
why do the words come more
as questions and less as answers?
why do questions create history forever?
are there any answers?
or just an embarrassing void?
does everybody asks questions?
then who provides the answers?
shall i shut up and, as usual, avoid?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lo'V'e is a MISTAKE!!

i don't know
who you are.
because every time i tried,
you pushed me far.
i don't know,
what was there?
and what is now
lost, what is nowhere!?

you judged me by
how close i had let you.
you liked my ways once
now you say i'm untrue.
the game is always like this, no!?
people come close, then reject.
the brief skirmish of likeness.
do you know how it feels to be a deject?

it was always You.
i never stood a chance!
clever tricks you played!
i still can't forget the dance.
like a meteor falling,
you burnt my skies
more than that, what engulfed me,
were the flames of your lies.

oh, but still, i have changed.
i am hollow, i am a fake.
i'm just so sorry, no, not to you.
i'm so sorry to myself for this mistake.

the way i'd love

the way i'd love,
would be insane!
you either can go away,
or bear the pain...
i wouldn't want
you to hang-on.
leave me alone,
don't stand like a moron!!
i'd call you
when i would need.
bit it won't be emotional,
just, for the sake, a creed.

the way i'd love,
duh! i'm so pissed!!
you're so damn sensitive.
next time, give sentiments a miss.
you may have to
come wearing a mask.
even i do!
but, camouflage fast!
damn, you take ages
to even get what i say.
is there a direct link to your brain?
or your eardrum has clogged away?

the way i'd love,
is no love at all!!
because i didn't think
before loving that cannibal!!

yea, i was at your place once,
and, guess, i'm still there.
because love happens once in life.
to this, i still adhere.
i know it hurts to be trampled upon,
yet somehow i've let it be.
stone-cold...did you call me?
yea, right! who asked you to love me??

listen, no hard feelings,
it seems funny to note...
your feelings get reciprocated
just when you go numb and dope!
i can say sorry.
but i do not feel so.
dude, you're still a baby!!
grow up! learn to forgo!
don't ask me why can't i?
because if you've ever observed,
i'm devoid of all these emotions...
i gave them all when i loved.