Sunday, December 27, 2009

loose ends

And I see that
i'm reduced to be the one of only Silent Poems;
Who made me what I am?
Is it me? or You through me?
And I can't even blame You,
For I know that You did it, only so long
till You were aware of
what I'll b reduced to,
what I'm today.
The only victory I had, have
and will continue to have is
losing to this forsaken Love.
is it even worth to be thoughtless in thinking of you?
the possibilities exceed infinity.
i became an instrument of your rhythm
and you, the chalice of my forlorn harmony.
yet i sit on this merciless night
begging your eyes to take in
the sheen of my lonely lustre
begging your treacherous desires
to reckon my cancerous lust.

yet, i know the futileness of my attempts...
the moon wouldn't know
what hides in the heart of an ocean...
yet the harbinger touches me
and i elope with your chants
into the abyss of nihilism.....


in the hour of endless darkness,
he emerged from the haze.
with that ivory face of the moon
and his eyes ablaze...
paranoia made-up for his shoes,
in the schizophrenic cloak,
he made his ambivalent moves.

there was silence, loud...
loud and deafening.
he began to act.
he began demeaning.
scathed and battered,
the demons hovering.
the pantomime's scared!
but the fear would be redeeming.

he craved for his heart
and let it bleed in his hands.
the burial would be gory.
this much he could stand.
on his grave, he wailed...
he wailed like a lark.
tears stung my eyes
but the pantomime laughed!

from music to utter agony,
his act went on.
from churches to graveyards
and berated echelons.
he came to a standstill,
the time evaporated.
in the sure abyss of hypnotism,
i stood helplessly sedated.

his touch bore into me.
his gaze burnt my skin.
words overflowed from his eyes...
yes, the phantom would sin.
my cringe- instinctual.
his hold only tight.
'No!', he begged with his desires.
'No, you shouldn't fight'.

suspended in nothingness,
he sure walked like a gazelle.
crimson lips so undaunted,
weaving an impenetrable spell.
with the cold breath of a dead,
the words formed a mist
he only lowered into my ear
and the pantomime hissed...
in the only words he spoke, he told,
"your secrets aren't unknown".

in the breathless next moment,
he was perched on a tree.
the tangents returned to life
but the soul was no more free...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

...from NO rehab...

the words shatter to meaninglessness.
the meanings cease to horizons.
its just your voice wafting idly
the symptoms of my chronic addiction.
shouldn't have let you conquer me completely
yet, could i have had said "No"?
it feels so good enough...

the grounds are tangents no more.
such sinister partners to your charms.
its just this harbinger of some feelings
pouring out your countenance to life.
shouldn't have let you talk to me so sweetly
its a grotesque divulgence.
yet it feels good enough...

and i completely lost myself
is it only fair to be at your mercy?
but i can't want it no other way.
you are the cancer that ate me up...
why does it still feels good enough?

Monday, December 21, 2009

she wants to fly
don't clip her wings;
she'd die...
let her soar the sky
don't hold her down;
she'd die...

your ways aren't worth.
your patience eludes her.
your morals of "right" and "wrong"-
they suffocate.
they derogate.

she wants to realize;
let her fly.
she wants to go away.
don't tie her;
she'd die...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

of Venus and Mars

lady: the sinister urges of mine wait for,
in all their grotesque countenance,
the harbinger of thy touch.

man: the yearning burns as a flame
salvaging the bodice of all morals;
a procession readies for a defeat.

lady: the procession shall commence
whence forth the melody of contented cries
would eat the forbidden fruits.

man: garish fantasies dance in sensuality,
a graveyard of my sober etiquettes;
dilemmas steal the grim reckoning.

lady: the graveyard of thy sanity woulds't mock
the last shreds of chastity; graves would yawn
to turn thy coffin into oceans of tainted lust.

man: the limbs twitch for thy beauty
the nimble sighs woulds't prove gory
thou hath always had that power.

lady: consumed in desire, the viper of thy tongue
rapes the last of my luster and thee laugh?!
and thy forsaken deeds dare condemn my wants!

man: ironical, m'lady, how dost thou twirl!
thee entice, thee seduce, thou commands't my dreams
yet thee overlaps thy charms in furs!

lady: inside me, the void compels its prey to plunge
deeper, as the wanton eyes take-in the sheen
of thy sinful pleasure; let the curtains dissolve.

man: let the mist cloud thy rest!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

...for the sake of...

i'm writing for the sake of it.
the "poet" in me feels guilty.
but the verses rise and fall
before i can shape them.
they shy away from these papers.
they shy away from me..
the words aren't friends anymore.
only the void seems to be my mate.

i'm writing 'coz i want to.
but the river's not flowing anymore.
its waters are trapped
in an unseen, unknown dam.
then, suddenly, they'll flood!
what binds then, is hidden.
what can set them free,
i know not of.

is this a poem?
i feel not.
is this a verse?
it seems not.
its just a helpless wailing
over failed attempts.
just an inexplicable disgust
over broken thoughts.

i write for the sake of these...
i write,
for i can't stop...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


i won't be the whim
i won't be the fantasy
i won't be real.
just another tragedy.

goblets overflow in wait.
the acid devours all tangents;
burning in emancipator bliss.
voices muffled by the pain.
the gurgles of crimson boil over
hissing in their triumph.

the visions bleaks and fades.
the shrieks just in mind.
the roddents scamper all around
finding, just to find.

the blindness overpowers all senses.
the euphoria so unprecedented.
suspension in nothing entrances.
enchanted being held captive.
blazing flames engulf all.
piercing the ruins of decay.
the flesh withers to vanish.
bones succumb and annihilate.

eating pieces of the self,
the matter stinks of woe.
alone in plain withdrawal,
creeping to the rising foe.
strangers, shrouded, come for me;
the unholy crest of mass...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Magus

he stands atop the hill,
the Magus.
radiance coloring his head!
he calls reverence to the deities
and respect to the dead.

he announces the power
in thunder.
his subtle offering of blood
to his Goddess of choice-
a potency of esoteric flood.

he mimics some voices
of animals.
hands raised to grab the sky
he shines blue in the dark
in stillness of the one to die!

the invisible becomes tangent.
so magnetic!
the walls of sheer words
rise to show the fields
of dreamy grasses and herds.

he opens his eyes and sees.
he smiles.
the circle emanates blue.
the ritual- an illusion.
the illusion- the hue.

in all his undisguised power,
in all magnificence,
he glows so very beautifully!
and i obey him dutifully.

i, too, am glowing with him.
Ah, the splendor!
i match the shade he adorns.
like his beaming shadow.
his blue rose among all thorns!

the circle changes to morning light.
the daybreak.
orange flows in with purple haze.
the birds start their waking chirps.
he smiles at my obvious daze!
he sends the circle to atonement
as it dissolves in his embrace...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Hate?

i abhorred once
what i am now.
i couldn't stop then.
now, i don't want to.
your blood is so potent-
it takes over my will.
it drives my senses.
a pull so strong-
i cannot resist.

i still see
your screaming face.
and i wished i could stop.
Oh! i wish i COULD...
but you were a magnet-
a BLEEDING magnet.

why am i Forsaken?
no hope...
not even a delusion.
i still cannot like myself.
but why hate?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


roaring from the depth of your constraints,
alive in every word you deny,
possibilities seeming weak to escape me,
for i live where you reside;
down in the dungeons of your disguise.

loafing around for the last shreds.
your sanity isn't worth to let me off.
can't you bloody understand!?
i am NOT where your demons lie.
i am NOT your God of Darkness.
i am NOT the ugly cemeteries of happiness.

i AM just another voice that rings true...

i have lived all my life
in the closets of your fears.
i have been abandoned
in puddles of your tears.

you haven't the time to grasp me.
you haven't the time to take me the way i am.
you haven't the time to stand yourself
no wonder i cannot be tolerated...

i pity you for the junkyards in your minds.
i chortle for your little balls in the guts.
i'm envious, though, for your outrage-
it shall be mine, for all you care!
you devise all excuses to exclude me.
you make little plots to rant your suspicions
no funny thing than that.

i am NOT your last breath of mortality...
i AM just your ultimate wannabe desire!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Answer

why do i think;
why you're so far?
why are you so distant?
no! i shouldn't!

i've tried to hate you
still i failed to see through.
oh, love!
why am i so lame?

let me be.
i should let you be.
before i'm far too gone.
before nothing can be done.

i've tried to tell myself
it would be so better
to keep going our separate ways
for all you care, you're off.
so hold off.
you should hold off.
it's the one thing i've known.

i see you everyday
its so wrong in every way.
i stand far off trying to tell you
don't hear me, though, please
'cause i'm in love.
i'm in love.

boy, act deaf!
go on acting deaf
before you're too far gone
and nothing can be done.

'cause without me you got it all.
so hold off.
without me you got it all.
so be gone.
without me you'd be better.
without me you couldn't deter.
so hold on.
'cause with you, i've got no fight.
and i know this ain't right.
i'll have to be gone...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Needful Deeds

solemn sighs, unheard.
incredulously, the words unfold.
the tousled feeling of your voice.
harebrained, i scuttle in your hold.
the night wraps us in its silken arms.
can the curtains now be shed?
can the steps now be taken?
can the words now be said?
can we be done
before i come undone?

sparkling eyes, kindled.
softly, the lips part.
a little more of the warmth.
flushed, the senses depart.
the passion calls to its sinful charms.
shall we pay some heed?
shall we cease to hesitate?
shall we claim what we need?
shall we?
claim me...

Friday, September 25, 2009


how that crroked smile
burns through every bone of mine!
smoldering till their shallow depths.
i can't breathe.
rather, i forget to!
the crippling sensation that accompanies
your every breath,
your every move,
your every stance.
its like honey-
served on the most appealing platter.
i want to grimace.
grimace at the impact you have.
grimace at your undaunted perfection.
grimace at my helplessness...
but i AM helpless...
helpless, even to grimace!
you don't leave me alone.
why doesn't that bother me?
i'd rather be dumb
than to stop thinking of you.
now, why doesn't THAT surprise!?!
i'm obsessed!
over- possessed!

you're seeded in me-
like a pebble in a riverbed.
you're interwoven-
like serpents entwined together.
you're the flow-
like the crimson running in me.
you're the substance.
and me- your particle.
you're the harmony
and me- your chords...
at your mercy.
on your behest.
you're the rehab
and my only addiction!!!


its before me -in ruins-
the pieces of what i am.
broken, pallid and fondled,
it slumbers in washed moonlight.
like a mishap, its haunted
by ghosts of nostalgia.
it stands before me -in pain-
My Crumbled House...

its before me -in luminescence-
the stabs of the "had to".
its the gallows of austere
tinted with the hues of groans.
the high soothing of regret
creaking like unnerved crickets.
it stands forth me -in despair-
My Crumbled Refuge...

its before me -broken-
the plasters exposed.
the hinges, on last of their worth,
holding the naked doors.
the skeleton exposed to shame
the sullen skin uprooted.
it still stands for me -in nudity-

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

into ME....

the pale wash of moonlight,
illuminating my accustomed darkness.
staggered, it is, with some desire!
paving its way to subtle recesses
like the ghosts of my fantasies,
the cradle of stupor baby me.
carrying me to basements of charms,
the broken wisps of unsure surety.
i grip to the shreds of my control
as we reach the place that's ours.
the place i chose for us to be,
the place- last of my exhausting soberity.
under the canopy of roses,
their black tints groping a blush!
the waters turning precious-
a silver blade, heaving a rush.
you plunge even deeper
and i accompany, 'of habit.
we rise in maddening drench.
panting, as a cornered rabbit.

your rhythm is mine- a soaring sky.
like mine is yours- a playful frisby.
pallid like these undying ripples,
you grow profound in me...


no philanthropist disguised,
he's stark obvious in his needs.
with cold talons gripping me,
he prepares for his ritual.
his paleness glows in the dark.
the eyes smolder my weakness.
as if an angel dropped from above-
the only difference is of devastation!
the purple skies- a weak omen.
for the beatification is imminent.
i decant the last remanents-
the leftover of my guts-
upon the angelic skin of your feet.

please, hesitate before you grope.
please, hesitate before you devour.
your devout prey, in shambles forth you,
appeals for some hesitation in judgement.
Pray! save me not, though!
i've wanted it for so long now.

its already too late for the delay.

i see the dripping cyanide fill
that would soon undo me.
it tastes saccharine, the last memory.
preceding the death of what i am...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


in a happy house,
they sit like peals of orange.
in their own distant worlds,
obligated to harden.
she tenses to a sprint,
her contrite disguise.
whatever she demands,
has met its demise.
blazing flames consume.
her pixie resolve waver.
she turns to the cross
and crucifies her body.
spilling blood in drains.
her pleasure mountain high;
"Your Jehovah is LOST!
Bleeding crimson from your skies!"
her voice is muffled, low.
they won't even turn to hear.
beautiful in paint,
her insides lurch.
perished and so wasted,
pain won't come to her.
the agony won't go.
she waits for Lucifer.
drop by drop she drains.
tear by tear she laughs aloud.
like an impaled corpse alive,
like a zombie devout.
they just look at her.
see her drip the blood, colored.
they gather haystacks to burn.
"Fate", the witch incurs...
she can't even moan.
she won't even cry out loud.
she won't even yell.
how she loves to die about!
"its strange", they think.
it IS strange, it seems.
its stranger than the strange.
how a strangeness redeems!!


he spears like a dagger
through the core of my being.
i wait for me to heal
but he strikes again.
the wound should hurt,
but it doesn't.
instead, the perfume hits.
like a garden of freesias.
the racing wind in its galleries,
burn me with desire,
instead of soothing,
instead of cooling.
i'd rather stray than be controlled
but he's so distant.
like a far-off meteor
he's unbearably sensual
in a way that hurts.
his charms beyond bounds.
he smolders like Lugosi.
his eyes like dying embers
alight with a kindled fire.
of a lifetime of gravity.
he smells like an Archangel,
no mercy upon any naivete.
the churns inside,
i'm glad,
are not just felt by me!!

have BEEN!

you are the gray clouds
that hide my sun;
the flash of ire
that soothes my burn;
the agony
that rips me apart;
the arrival
that soon departs.

you are the bliss
that stings my eyes;
the aurora
that blazes my skies;
the faint sheen of dazzle
upon my blindness;
a low, harsh whiplash
upon my kindness;
the consummating murk
in my meadows of gore;
the blood lust
in seduction of your lure.

and for all this,
it just goes unseen,
the pain and pleasure together-
as YOU've been....

the sprint

together we rip apart,
for the dense fog that's shining,
for the alabaster sun...
for the wind so close to whining...
their beating hearts in our hands
beheaded corpses' floor
beneath the haunted lores,
we shimmer to be known.
purple venom bites,
their impaled skins white
whatever minds they held,
now are ruining the dungeon slime.
safer place to be,
in the mist of green.
the blue so hazy now
like a sheet of glee.
another twilight drowns.
the albino freed.
in the depths of lust
of a sensual greed!
roaming in tired steps,
the alien never meant to be.
ceasing in timelessness.
worse than the souls
stuck in pathways;
the believers of an untamed prophecy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

B. D. S. M.


you drift by the side of me
like the whisper of a silent wind.
your fragrance knocks on the doors
of my elated fantasies, before i succumb.
you stay frozen like a carving
to whom even Bernini would do no justice.
the flares smirk deep down in eyes
of your devastating prowess, profound.
its almost visible, the contact.
our eyes hold a string so strong.
you flick through your eyes, my needs,
i freeze with you, though you know i long.

:: there's a dance, does that require any rhythm? ::
"the rhythm is in our ragged breathing."
:: there's a flare, does it require more fuel? ::
"the fuel is in the skipping heart's beating."
:: there's a need, does it call for a want? ::
"the want is so tangible in your eyes!"
:: there's a reckless rush, it requires a warning! ::
"can it even be prevented, in the raging skies?"

your unfathomable eyes,
so inhumanly desiring!
we haven't even touched!
yet we stand breathless, panting!
you kindle a spark,
a need so dire.
the chaste sweetness of inhibition,
of burning in your fire...


"tonight, you're mine, woman!"

you drift closer with every word
the thoughtless craving ends with your touch.
its exactly like how I'd touch myself!
welded into your frame,
with you lost on my tongue,
our passions heighten together,
the thrill is such power that it stung.

the force is repelling, yet a magnet.
the bruises would would satisfy the craving.

"forget the world, can you?
forget that you were ever human!"
an electricity washes through me
as i'm ripped and fondled..

:: you are my master, you're my grave. ::
"yes! i'm your spirit and i'm your slave."

this beautiful beatification enthralls.
i'm subjected, i humiliate.
the lashes sear to my core, like yours.
you dismantle, i annihilate.

your shaft is like a drug to me.
my flooded womb, your fantasy.
you drench me as i quench your thirst.
you taste me as i devour your lust.
you pin me, grope me hard.
my bites seem uncertain to discard.

:: empty me, and i shall fill you back. ::
swollen lips contrite, the flood distracts.
"you fulfilled me, i'd reciprocate."
a satisfied smirk breaks on your facade...


he penned her orgasm,
like it was his.
she desired her on pages,
like she wasn't she at all.
he made love to him in words
like he was his woman.
she kissed her, in theory,
like she was her man.

then why is it wrong?
if i really love a woman
while i, myself, am one?
or if he fantasizes of him
and get an erect shaft?

who AM I when it comes to love?
am i a "man"?
am i a "woman"?


and so he fantasizes
and takes his fingers to be her lips,
caressing his tool.
every night she lies on her bed
and her contours are mapped
by "his hands" while they really are hers.

i can love as a man.
or i can be loved as a woman.
i can take her in my arms.
or i can let him conquer me.
in the end, i'd still be going back
to please myself
like how i've been doing to me.

i'm Androgynous.
inside Me is my happy place.
i am my own Man.
i am my own Woman.
i am my Master.
i am my Slave.
i am my Soul.
and i'm my own Spirit...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


your scent comes
from across the sea
of flushed faces of despair.
your voice a low melody
it strains my senses
embellish me with cascades of lusts.
your sight, that of Lucifer,
so luscious and appealing.
its almost incapacitating.
i sense your being
as you walk like Adonis
among the lesser mortals of blood.
i touch you
every time i'm sense bereft
like all the haze the smoke conjures.

the creeping sensuality
vital in your marble-taut frame.
you shine like a comet
in my moonless sky of fame.
you intoxicate me beyond gasps.
as i stifle in the purple thunders of your impact.
you come as my concentrated dope.
it takes all i have, to be intact.
you flow like burning crimson
in the womb of my impregnated fantasies.
you command like a despot
make me bondaged to gory tragedies...


you soared like a meteor
across my dark, moonless sky.
the scattered stars with
their apprehensive shyness,
your blazing tail
dripping saccharine sadism
upon the unblinking eyes
of my adoration,

you shot over the horizon
then you were gone.
it was all like it was before.
but i was blinded.
my eyes cannot adjust.
my light won't return.
you took it along with you.

i was left with a deep crater
upon the heaving bosom
of my deep desires-

that flash of light,
that moment of dazzle,
a hazy chamber of
You and Me.
that instance of eternity
beyond comprehension,
idly wafting the wings
of my unborn wants.

and then you vanished.
just how you had appeared.
my little orgasm of chastity-
you took it along with you.

i was left with a searing burn
upon the cushions of my harmony-

from Grace...

and how she falls from Grace,
still Graceful!
she tagged along the serpent's tail
and strode across knowledge.
she acknowledged what he didn't.
but he condemned it as a Sin.
and how she falls from Grace,
still Graceful!

she walked on the gravels,
and slept on the sand.
she bore the lineage of miracles,
in the lap of land.
she was called names.
and he rose to pinnacles on her behalf.
and how she fell from Grace,
still Graceful!

a tradition in making.
and she led from the front.
so appraising, so deceived.
"the Sinful", "the Seductress".
the trade for a starless sky.
and how she left the Grace,
still Graceful!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


another victim of hypotension
living on the stakes quite high
all of the hopes make refreshed
to be unfulfilled at the last sigh.
and when the darkness closes the air,
eyes overlapped with despair.
steal yourself your dirty dungeons
and search for the lost nightmare.

do i see you, relentless nerd,
moping, grieving
on the gates of Heaven?
or imagine you, ceasing star?
a judgment in coming!

i walk through
the stones, moss and sand,
leaving my imprints behind
only to be washed by the sea
just like a lonely man.
horizons escapades set low
crying in deeps, forlorn.
crashing in waves of the vast
clouds are so numb and blown.

do you see me, a confused jumble,
prattling, screaming?
or lost me, in shot and the blaze?
crimson stream, merging to be lost
in the tides of a lost gratitude.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

... hell IS happening...

i feel so wasted and low,
like nothing's worth.
so troubled,
that troubles don't seem wicked

so pained,
that now it seems my only escape.
wasted carcasses of wants
hang on hinges,
devoid of their surge of salty rust.
they seem like another plaything
to be used and thrown away.

voices! voices!
voices from an alabaster dream
while it shines flashbulbs in my eyes.
deafening, so imposing,
like a bat's tenderness raped at a concert.

crimson scars decorate the skin
every now, one drips another poison.
screaming, screeching inanimately.
burning in a cold flame of hyssop.
in hysterics over this hysterectomy!
ironical in an unconcealed way...

content in the hollow.
content in wasting away.....


these walls seem to be closing in.
i'm wanting you.
desiring you so much that it's paining-
somewhere deeper down.
the smoke is playing with my visions.
i feel it entering me.
merging with my breaths.
my breath feels so warm!
or... is it cold outside?

i remember reaching a void just now.
but i didn't even touch myself.
do imaginations, alone, have such power?
i know it shall be the time to stop.
i'm sober... but am i sane?
you're my dope!
does it convey all i wanna say?

with tiny drops falling from the sky,
the thunder seems to fall on my fragility.
i feel trapped in my own labyrinths of immateriality.
life, a big fiasco!

i turn my head upwards
and feel the rain on my tongue.
it tastes sweet, but not sweeter
than the aftertaste of my fags.
yet, even that taste,
is dirt, compared to you!
can't tell you how much i'm wanting
to keep wanting you.
you creep like a gecko
upon the taverna of my desires.

man, you're dope!
and i'm sloshed!
i wanna overdose on you
and let myself be consumed!

a word...

this dingy room, right now,
is clustered with cobwebs from my pasts.
i feel like taking a broom and clean-up.
but i can't.
i just cannot.
happiness is totally spaced out.
i wanna scream!
i wanna scream at all those people
who are aliens to my memory-land now.
this won't hurt.
it shouldn't!

its him... again!
what am i really wanting?
he's so hurting me right now.
i wanna run away from him.
but i'm not sure if i can.
my masochistic tendencies take over.
he was so ethereal.
now he's just another boy-
a regular boy
with dreams of an extraordinary world!
is it possible,
to want and hate someone
at the same time?
why am i even thinking about him?

oh! right.
what a word!
but just a word.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In Blues

thinking of nothing,
yet something.
some decorated memories
of moments we can't leave behind.
in the rooms which boiled
ripped off our senses
by people in soiled pants...
saying a little prayer
everyday, for them!
god protect the junkyard
and the dunk of mayhem!
strange, how the prayers
bound you and me too...
our brief vents of frustration
in the blues of the loo!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The MeAL....

the soul ceases where the voices call,
deep from the tunnels of the dark.
scathed victim of a scavenging savageness,
a murdered shriek of a lark.

voice ceases where the storm begins,
in the caves of another Lucifer.
still uncertain in these draconian times,
still unable to fathom what is deciphered.

a saccharine poison flows
from your mouth into the deeps of mine.
eyes shut themselves to avoid
what is inevitable in this time.

to be held hostage in fragility
in the arms of your venomous animosity,
its like the rush is so perfect
in this medium of supple rhyme.

the rush ceases where it burns.
it only leaves the remnants of gory.
flesh still throbs in the impulse
towards the end of my story.
i see you still beaming at me.
can you make the pain go?
you grin your best at your hapless prey.
and forge all there would be to know...


the dance is as pleasurable as the want
like serpents entwined in the dust.
layers of profanity rendered useless.
falling deep in the dungeons of rust.
it trickles till the curve of my spine
the sweat that dresses this moment.
the nape of his neck smells like musk
with beads of a sinful thirst.
the lips forgot all words
talking the acts of the must.
the contours are touched and forgotten
like abandoned causes of disgust.

it rains a different rain
as angels fall from the cusp
dance with me this dance you yearn
like a forgotten dance of our lust.

its good to see the "love" combust
and become profound like it used to be.
fall like the leaves fall
to land uncertain in distrust
dance how your instincts have guided
dance free...
dance the lust.