Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the little "love"...

the word "love"
often occurs through my lips
but have i ever asked myself
what's hiding behind that word,
so often used and abused?
love, the nourishment
of all my fantasies,
is nothing but a subtle poison.
capable of destroying any life
with its invisible emanations.
two souls offer each other,
the best part of themselves
the one, each of them knows,
the other won't be able to resist!
but, can the complexity
of one heart truly know
the complexity of another?
then how is the "real love" possible?
it is airy and stimulating,
like a gas chamber.
i feel as if all those broken pieces
i'm carrying around inside--
he can help me put all that
back together.
he alone has the patience
to make sense of
every fragment
and return it
to its proper place.
he knows how to see things
others don't see.
he knows how to untangle
those confused strands
and weave one single thread.
but there's no horizon.
its like one dead end.
when your heart breaks,
what sound does it make?
like a fire in the rain?
the more attachments we have,
the more we live in panic;
things get lost or break.
people die or leave us.
and we are left desperate.
love can only be a shadow.
the shadow of partiality.
a tendency towards


Anonymous said...

feed dis in my head

MAHI said...
