Monday, February 16, 2009


echoing laughter of the world in these caves
i shut my ears to the humiliation it gave
still it didn't stop, the sound still reached me
hurt me, mock me, so bluntly weakens me.
"u said it was love!?!" they say and then laugh
there's no-one, not even u to defend me on my behalf.
why?? oh! why? please tell me why shall i face it alone?
u said it wasn't "u" or "me", but "us"...yet only i am forlorn...
it IS wicked, the little game u played so easily
i was hesitant, u gave a push, a trick played stealthily!
much ado about nothing, u may say, and u can!
but here i am, collecting the memories in a dust-pan
someday u were my "are", but now, u "were"
oh, baby! even i'm so unsure, lost in a blur!!
this gap, this silence kills me, there's no trace of u...
u don't even bother..watever u said, was it really true?
yes, it hurts, it must agitate--my doubts and my questions
but r u even being fair to me? can't grant any suggestions!

its all lost amidst blinding neon lights, i need to freak out
i've been dying wanting u, yet u don't care wat its about!?!
yes, maybe i'm Nothing, but, bloody, tell me once, please!
i'm tired of playing this game of tension and release...
whenever u want, however u want, i'm here for sure
but wen i want u, u cannot oblige no more!!
contempt is rampant and disgust beckons me for a ride
and i could surrender, but, oh! Its still u i can't subside.
i reckon we shall surrender to the silence and decide,
if we are no more "together" or wen to say "goodbye"!!!