Friday, February 20, 2009

the leftovers

all thru dis wasted existence
i've been like a drawing-room cushion
u can come n use me, then leave me too
i do not have my own emotions, i'm not supposed to!!
serene, the life goes before this mute witness
as i'm left by the very people who're my harness!
this is the way it should be!?
"fake" i am when i say "don't do this to me"!
probably my voice does fall on deaf ears
please, o vengeance, take me away from here!
i'm just their medium of sympathy n relief...
wow!! now this is what i call SHIT!!
as i again sit here to destruct my leftover bits
the rays of sun have taken the horizons far
nobody cares to stay, and who would? my door's ajar!!
their judgments befall on me in extreme silences
and if i interpret, the blame paves way for distances!!
down to be abandoned again, no more desired
was i ever? now to ooze out, even this blood is tired!!
fine, who am i to have a right? a bloody nobody!
people have all the rights to b good and then turn shoddy
contagious, as it is, feelings were... till sometime back,
now they're burdensome, a heavy useless sack.
there's nothing real, even dat Lo'V'e has ceased...
instead there are just inhabitants, full of deceit!!

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