Tuesday, April 28, 2009


have you ever stayed up through a night...
not because you weren't sleepy,
but because sleep deserted you
at the thought that "something" is there??

do you flick the bed-side lamp hastily
to be sure that the figure you saw in the dark
was just your imagination?

sometimes are you so scared
to look at the ceiling?
maybe you'd find something hanging there
on its four slimy limbs...
staring at you....

do the winds blow past you
and carry the shrieks of "someone"?

or sometimes do the hair at the back of your neck
rise, as if telling you...there IS someone!?!

ever thought if those barking dogs in the night
are fighting with each other, or
barking at "something" you can't see?

when you feel thirsty at night
and you open the kitchen door,
are you sure that it would be empty?
are you sure that a little hiss
won't make you turn around
and face something rather ugly??

are the empty places actually empty?

are you positive that there's nothing
lurking behind that car besides you?

sure that nobody sits by your bedside
and watches you sleep
while you can't know if it's there?

are those voices from somewhere
audible to all?
something is really not
tittering under your bed?

sure your feet
won't be clasped tight
by a cold lifeless hand while you sleep?

sure that something is not banging
on the front door?
what happens when you shut your eyes?
positive that your nightmare
won't come true when you open them?

that big tree by the roadside:
is it hiding something?
nothing would come down from it
and grab you hard?

listen... feel... see...
is it all normal in the night?

you don't feel the need to turn around
every time you walk on a lonely street?

is someone really not watching you?
are you really alone when you Think that you're alone?
would your sweat not trickle if its true?
what if its REALLY true???

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

good NYMPH gone BAD~!~

you're down today...
baby, you seem broken.
has mama's girl
just now woken?
oh! that boyfriend of yours...
he ditched you... didn't he?
you don't know exactly?
oh, dear!! ask me!!!

life suddenly becomes hell.
like you're on a parole!
it seems that mama's Ideal Daughter
just didn't have self-control!!
oh, yes, we know all
about what happened in Nainital...
where the kid made the nympho
dance to his "sur-taal"!!
and no, he wasn't different at all
just another outlaw, you see!
oh, but how could you know?
shall I sympathise when that kid ate off the wannabe!?

you're sick to stomach
and I laugh...wicked!?
baby, I still remember your doodle eyes
they always called me crooked!
"Don't roam with boys too much"
I remember how u always were wise!
but now to think of it...
who did actually need the advice!?

open vaults get dandy
when closed.
it was never the rosy picture
you always presupposed!!

why am I telling you this?
because you're a prick in my eye!
you always lectured on morals...
but you just got crumpled beneath the vengeful sky!
was daddy's girl
ever sane?
tuck in her mama's armpit,
wasn't she doomed to wane?!

(poor kid...hahahahahaha!!!)

Coming Straight!!

like a mortury of vampires
found in a dead man's haven,
I tried to dispose you
like the hair a baldy recently had shaven!
looks like a link came up
from the extremes of nowhere.
you screamed,
"Lie to yourself because i am now-here"

stringent lives cared for
and forgotten...
like a dead brain
smelling rotten.
like a heaving bosom
still like mosquito bites,
your lies crashed like
small cripped bytes...

am I still to belive
whatever came off that nymph head?
you seem to have literally taken me
as a walking dead!!
superimposed flux
flying in too deep.
you had me going nuts
like a wayward creep!!

games are good to play
but not with the heart
hell knows whatever you were upto
with that useless tart!!
baby, even zombies
come out of their gruesome hoods
the difference for me
were your virtual woods.

but now in open,
it just feels right!
you seem more like a
disposed remain of a bad night!!
what are you now?
darling, ask me not.
for, I thought of you
only until you seemed hot!!

opening visions
scare me much
but I've gotten used to
decomposing hunch!
oh! just in case I didn't tell,
your luggage has been thrown.
seems like the yesterday kid
has just now grown!!

okkay bye!!
you were yet another!!
on the list of what??
Good question!!
but, don't bother!!